Poppytalk Handmade, An Apology & The Lovely Frames


Roll up, roll up! It’s three for the price of one this morning at the Lou Lou & Oscar blog! No, I’m not having a sale, I’m squeezing what should be three separate posts into one, what a lazy-bones. Actually, the lovely Mr Aaron is not feeling well and I am writing this in between mopping his fevered brow, sewing cats and fish and contemplating the important half written emails I need to finish and send:
But at my back I always hear, Time’s wingΓ¨d chariot hurrying near…-Andrew Marvell.
Ah, but Lisa, save yourself some time, cut the preamble and the blather and get on with the post!


If anyone was wondering why that huge gang of rabbits appeared in the shop last week, I can now reveal the reasoning behind this move! I have a ‘table’ in the Love Transforms marketplace over at Poppytalk Handmade. Love Transforms is a valentines and wedding-themed market and I thought that the Lapin de Lune fitted in quite well with this theme. If you look to the right you will see a fancy-pants animated gif, if you give it a little click it will take you directly to Poppytalk Handmade. Not just yet though please, hold your clicks, I have some more news coming up and some pretty, pretty frames!


I was feeling so confident that we would have the ‘redesign’ of the blog complete by this morning that I proudly posted the image you see above on my Flickr site on Friday. You may also have read my post announcing my absence while we tinkered with typography and layouts. Unfortunately my web design supremo, type Tzar and all round tech genius of a husband (that still sounds a little odd!) is stuck in bed feeling rotten. I can edit a tiny bit of simple code on my own but I am lost and floundering without Adam for the difficult stuff. So, I will stagger on with the old format for a little longer and dream of the day when I have beautiful post titles, stylish body text and lots of ‘white space’. I am so sorry if anyone has joined me this morning to see something new and fresh, I hope that you won’t be too disappointed. One wonderful woman in particular has been sitting on the edge of her very comfy chair since Friday waiting for the new look blog! To her, I owe the biggest apology!
By way of compensation, here are some lovely frames.



Look at these beauties from Olive Someday. You may have read my post bemoaning the lack of perfect frames to be found on The Island, well, as soon as I saw Olive Someday’s wonderful items on the front page of Etsy I knew they had to be mine. Olive Someday is run by a lovely woman called Amanda. Amanda scouts yard sales and the like for vintage-style frames, repaints them gorgeous colours and then adds a sweet illustration to the mix.



I would have loved the two above as well but that would have been greedy! As well as running Olive Someday, Amanda has two other shops over at Etsy, ItsBella and Rebelyun, Rebelyun is actually Amanda’s Mum’s shop but I believe she helps out a lot! . As if all of the above wasn’t enough you can also visit Amanda’s sweet blog called She Can’t Decide. Take a look at the before and after pictures of Amanda’s Pennsylvanian home.



This bathroom was remodeled with such style and sensitivity, I love it. Thank you Amanda for scouting, painting and listing my gorgeous new frames!

That is it for today I think (unless something I am desperate to share with you catches my eye). I have some posts planned for the latter half of this week that I am incredibly excited about, the first half of the week should be good too though, make sure you pop back and see me soon.

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5 Responses to Poppytalk Handmade, An Apology & The Lovely Frames

  1. Melissa de la Fuente says:

    Wonderful! Those frames are beautiful and congratulations on being a part of the love transforms market! YAY! So wonderful ! Can’t wait to see the new design when your hubby feels better, which I hope is soon(him feeling better, I mean) πŸ™‚

  2. .amanda. says:

    you are a true sweetheart!

    It is so weird to see my bathroom on someones blog! πŸ™‚

    I am really enjoying your blog, I hope you keep writing and I hope to be a reader for some time to come!


  3. margaret oomen says:

    Edge of my seat since friday, eh:) Actually I have been very busy crocheting and hand sewing so much that I swore my right hand got up and left last evening. So today I celebrated my blog first birthday by taking my very hard working hand and the rest of me to the forest to go snow showing. It was so cold and beautiful with a bright white dusting of fresh snow. Strange thing is my right hand was so tired it forgot to grab the camera from the dining room table before we left. I never go anywhere without my camera.
    We have had a talk and I am sure it won’t happen again.
    By the way i love Poppytalk. Jan has impeccable taste and it is no wonder she loved your work. Another Canadian connection, are you sure you don’t want to move here and save postage. I am sure you are sleeping right now but I am about to post a very sweet little fish I made inspired by Planet Earth and Maurice ( with your help of course).

  4. Eerika says:

    While I’ve not been clinging to the edge of my seat, I have been a tiny little bit impatient to see your blog remodeling. You have such a nice aesthetic, I’m looking forward to seeing your font choices and how everything will be laid out and all.

    I wouldn’t have a blog at all if it weren’t for the boyfriend creature (also known as J.), since I can’t wrangle even the simplest bit of code without someone holding my hand and telling me it’ll be OK and that I won’t break anything if I make a typo -as I’m wont to do. πŸ˜€
    I’d love to have all my headers in my own hand writing to give the blog a more hand made feel, but I’ve been told that that’d be impractical (and my hand writing isn’t the most legible to begin with), so I’m stuck with a boring bold version of the font used for the body of the post instead. Hence, I’m eager to see what you’ll come up with for your blog and I hope to be inspired to spruce mine up a bit too. πŸ™‚

  5. Sammy Rose says:

    I love the tile on the floor of that bathroom. Love it, love it.

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